About Me

Hi, I'm Harper Lee Simmons. It's pronounced Har-peh, because my dad's from the south. He's a foreign service agent from the US; my mom's a professor from Morocco. I grew up dividing my time between Rabat, Casablanca, and the countryside, with occasional trips to France. (I speak Arabic, French, and, yes, English.) I was born in Morocco but spent my first year or two in the States to get some fancy medical treatments. Mom and I and my brother and sister usually hang out at home while Dad's away on business. I have a younger brother, Will, and a younger sister, Charlotte. Dad named us all after his "heroes of literature": Nelle Harper Lee, William Shakespeare, and Charlotte Bronte. Mom and us kids are Muslim and Dad's a Baptist. He met my mother on an assignment and hasn't been able to get his heart away from Morocco since. Now I'm in the States attending a boarding school. I got detained after a fifty-state whirlwind tour, probably because of my religion. Living at "home" has been difficult to adjust to, but I'm getting there. With some help from my wonderful teacher and new friends, my United States citizenship has become something tangible. Oh, and I'm a poet. Yeah, I might not be your typical American Girl... but I think that's something I can live with.

14 April 2006

Acceptance Letter and random poems to friends

Miss Colleen B.
Shoreline Private Boarding School
OWT Program
3174 N. Shoreline Boulevard
Shoreline, CA 94043

Harper Lee Simmons

Dear Harper,

Congratulations on your acceptance to the Our World Today (OWT) program! As you already know, OWT is an exclusive and competitive program that receives thousands of applicants per year. The following letter contains information about your acceptance:
You are being sponsored by the head teacher, Miss Colleen B. The students refer to her as MB. Your term will begin in May. The "OWT girls", as they like to call themselves, are hosting a May Fair on May 20 to honour your acceptance and arrival.
Your arrival is set via airplane and ground travel starting May 1. Please make arrangements with parents, friends, and relatives to send any mail starting on this day to:
Shoreline Private Boarding School
OWT Program
Attention: Harper Simmons
3174 N. Shoreline Blvd
Shoreline, CA 94043
We have also provided you with a Shoreline email address. Please go to www.shoreline.edu/webmailsetup/ to activate your account. Your class code is XXXXXXXXX and your password is XXXXXXXXXXXXX. Your identity is Harper Lee Simmons. Please refer to MB or your student guide for information on the OWT forums and website.
As you were aware of when you applied for the program, the OWT term runs year-round. There is a three-week break between each term. Terms are Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer. During the Summer term, which is actually the heaviest term, we take many field trips.
[A bunch of other stuff about the school year]
Your student guide will be Samantha Parkington. She can be reached via thatannoyinggroupie on both the forums and email or call our phone number and ask for extension SAMP. Please contact her to find out more information or to make special arrangements, or just to ask questions. Her job is to make you comfortable.
If you wish to join the Shoreline Student (OWT's newspaper), please visit its website.
etc, etc
the principal or whatever

Note left on kitchen table:
Dear Mum and Dad, I went over to the market because I wanted to get some snacks as we obviously have none left in the pantry again. See note of acceptance and thank you for your lovely submission of the application without my permission, but it really does sound like a great school and I am excited except I will miss you. - HARPER PS: I actually filled out the application and sent it in but you know what I mean. I was going to add another essay.

Poem left for THE BOY on his doorstep on "the way to the market":
harper lee
famous author
does it matter?
for which we call a rose by any other name
would smell as sweet

harper simmons
skipping town
going on an adventure
all the way to america
leaving you

harper someone
confused, wondering why I'm going away
is education really that important
deny thy father and refuse thy name
and i'll no longer be a capulet

I haven't seen the boy since. I've been too busy packing and getting my accounts and visas ready. I'm excited, I am. It's just... weird. I've wanted this boarding school ever since I read about it in American Doll a year ago and I finally got it and now I don't know if it's what's for me.

Letter to my friends to be mailed on my last day:
missing you already
feeling you holding me
that last hug was so sweet
chocolate chip cookies straight from the oven
lemonade on a hot summer day
(or any moroccan day for that matter)
wondering if you really care
or were the cookies burnt
look soft but really aren't
did you make the lemonade too sour
or are you pretending you don't care
so i don't have to
are you being crisp on the outside and
warm-gooey-soft on the inside
sugar snuck into the lemonade
i'd rather we just let it all spill out
we don't have that much time left to share

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